Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Beef Stew


I made a beef stew.

Well, let's not get too ahead of ourselves. I put it all together. The crock pot will hopefully make it tomorrow... and not burn down the house.

There is something magical about peeling vegetables and fruits. It takes you (or me at least) to another place, another time. It's like I go to the past and the future at the same time. In Grandma's kitchen and yet in my own with my grandkids watching. Oh how, I hope to one day have grandkids. Also, I miss having "real" food more often.

Oh, and I made an apple cake.  I peeled those apples too. :)

Love you!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Fair is Fair

I realized today that I've asked you to do something that I am not even doing anymore. That's not fair! So in the name of fairness, I'm going to resurrect blog writing for you! This is how you know I love you.

This will be an open letter to you that others are welcome to read, like I imagine your blog is but reversed. Don't let my sisters know I said that. ;)

Today is the 1st day of November and I can already feel the melancholy of winter beginning. After a super fun evening of trick or treating and Halloween partying, L and I spent the day at home. We stayed home under the guise of  "cleaning" and really did finish almost all the dishes and do some laundry. Honestly, who wants to go anywhere when the sky is grey and snow flurries are hanging in the air.

I know this is highly surprising but he is currently reading. In fact, he asked me about an hour ago how to set the kitchen time and then announced he need rest time. He's been reading ever since and reset the timer at least twice. :) Not too shabby a day for a boy still in his pajamas.

Catie and I are going to a murder mystery dinner tonight. It's at an Italian restaurant. What isn't at an Italian restaurant or written in Italian or spoken in Italian these days? Your new country is stalking me! L is excited because he gets a real, honest-to-goodness babysitter. It's the little things. :)

Well, I love you but I should start getting ready for tonight.

Love you all the way to Rome and back!